Saturday, May 7, 2011

Obsessed with Sleep

Little R is actually not that bad a sleeper, considering she is only about 11 weeks old. She goes to bed at 8 pm promptly really well, after her little routine (bath, change of clothes, swaddling, food, brief rocking), and sleeps until late evening (somewhere between 12 and 1). Unfortunately, after that she wakes up every hour or two hours until she wakes up for good. Thus I am totally exhausted.

Today I went to the bookstore and bought two books about sleep (Weissbluth and Sleeping Through the Night). I haven't read them yet but hope that they will help little R sleep better (and thus me as well).

I don't deal well at all with sleep deprivation. I woke B up this morning crying because little R had woken up at 6 am for good (usually it's 7-8 am) and wouldn't go back to sleep after an hour of cajoling. I finally just left her in her bassinet in the other room making whiny noises (she was tired but couldn't settle down). He got up with her instead even though he had a presentation today and thus really should have been well rested. I guess I am lucky that she is actually a fairly good sleeper (= no colic etc), but I don't feel lucky at all, only envious of the people whose children apparently are already sleeping through the night.

I also am very short tempered with B whenever my sleep is especially small, as somehow it becomes his fault that R does not sleep. (Though to be fair he pretty much never gets up with her and I do 99% of night duty. In my non-cranky moments this is fine but when I am very tired it makes me hate him, even though 1. he would get up if I asked and 2. I have never asked)

She is sleeping now (since it's 11 pm) and I will try to get some sleep as well. I really hope the books work!

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